A big mistery: Why do we laugh? (Robert Provine)
A comparison and evaluation of multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithms (Steven M. Seitz et al)
A theory of inverse light transport (Steven Seitz et al)
A theory of spherical harmony identities for BRDF/Lighting transfer and image consistency (Dhruv Mahajan et al)
Anatomy of a tickle is serious business at the research lab (Carol Kaesur Yoon)
Brain activation during sight gags and language-dependent humor (Karli K. Watson et al)
Brain site associated with laughter [Personal MD]
Cartoon-recognition using visual-descriptors and a multilayer-percetpron (Ronald Glasberg et al)
Cartoons act like cocaine (Roger Highfield)
Effect of workplace laughter groups on personal efficacy beliefs (Heidi Beckman et al)
El humor como medio para enfrentar el estrés y su relación con la salud física (Silvana D'Anello Koch)
El humor engrasa las ruedas de la empresa (Milagros López Betancourt)
El humor fortalece la motivación individual y colectiva [Humor Positivo]
El humor positivo en la vida y el trabajo (Eduardo Jáuregui y Jesús Damián Fernández Solis)
El punto: Motivo de inicio y conclusión en el arte (Iñigo Sarriugarte)
Electric current stimulates laughter (Itzhak Fried et al)
Entrevista con Vinod Goel (Punset)
Estudiar cientificamente el sentido del humor permite analizar el perfil psicológico de las personas, según una investigación pionera (Hugo Carretero Dios)
Estudio del sentido del humor. Validación de un instrumento para medir el sentido del humor, análisis del cuestionario y su relación con el estrés (Begoña Carbelo)
Form and medium: A mathematical reconstruction (Michael Schiltz)
Gestalt switch in molecular image perception: The aesthetic origin of molecular nanotechnology in supramolecular chemistry (Joachim Schummer)
Gratuitous graphics?. Putting preferences in perspective (Ellen Levy)
HAHAcronym: A computational humor system (Oliviero Stock y Carlo Strapparava)
Hallan la zona del cerebro que origina el sentido del humor [Clarín]
How laughter works (Marshall Brain)
How some infant smiles get made (Susan S. Jones y Hye-Won Hong)
Humor: How does it work?
Humour appreciation: a role of the right frontal lobe (P. Shammi y D. T. Stuss)
Just the expectation of a mirthful laughter experience boots endorphins 27 percent, HGH 87 percent
La risa provoca en el cerebro las mismas reacciones que la cocaína (Vanesa Maesh)
La risa ¿cuestión de género? [La Nación]
La risa, una cuestión de sexo
Las carcajadas del cerebro (Enrique Márquez)
Laughter (Michele Drejka)
Laughter [Science Daily]
Laughter among deaf signers (Robert R. Provine y Karen Emmorey)
Laughter, like drugs, ticles brain's reward center (Krista Conger)
Levity defies gravity; Using humor in crisis situations (Steven M. Sultanoff)
Los efectos beneficiosos de la risa (Trinidad Aparicio Pérez)
Los efectos de la risa y el sentido del humor
Los efectos somáticos de la risa (Luz Ramírez)
Making computers laugh: Investigations in automatic humor recognition (Rada Mihalcea y Carlo Strapparava)
Mesostructure from specularity (Tongbo Chen et al)
Mirror neurons and laughter (Joe Guse)
Modalidades del humor: Mecanismos neuropsicofisiológicos que sustentan sus potencialidades preventivas en las adiciones y valor como recreaciones "secas" (Ricardo González Menéndez)
Model reduction for real-time fluids (Adrien Treuille et al)
Multi-view stereo revisited (Michael Goesele et al)
Neural correlates of laughter and humour (Barbara Wild et al)
Neuroendocrine and stress hormone changes during mirthful laughter (L. S. Berk et al)
Niños de buen humor: El poder de la risa (Susana Bloch y Karina Reinhardt)
Niños de buena risa: El poder de la risa (Emilio Iberbuden)
Our ancient laughing brain (Silvia H. Cardoso)
Pathological laughter and crying. A link to the cerebellum (Josef Parvizi et al)
Personality predicts activity in reward and emotional regions associated with humor (Dean Mobbs et al)
Photographing long scenes with multi-viewpoint panoramas (Aseem Agarwala et al)
Pricewise image registration in the presence of multiple large motions (Pravin Bhat et al)
Psychoneuroimmunology and humor (Paul MgGhee)
Punto, línea y plano. Nociones básicas (Lucas Pelissero)
Qué hace gracioso un buen chiste? (Francisco Mora)
Rx Laughter Project: Scientific promise of potential link between humor/laughter and health (Micheal H. Joseph)
Ríete de la enfermedad []
Scientific publications on laughter & humor [Dr. Kataria School of Laughter Yoga]
Sex differences in brain activation elicited by humor (Eiman Azim et al)
Studies on laughter and health benefits (Moss Greene)
Survival of the funniest - Review (Rod martin)
Taller de risoterapia (Beatriz Plans)
Test yourself on your knowledge of humor (Joyce Brothers)
The acoustics of laughter: New insights into this mysterious form of expression [American Institute of Physics]
The adult brain. Laughter (Yanay Ofran)
The anatomy of funny (Lea Winerman)
The effects of laughter on discomfort thresholds: Does expectation become reality? (Jeffrey Burroughs et al)
The functional anatomy of humor: segregating cognitive and affective components (Vinod Goel y Raymond J. Dolan)
The impact of humor in the counseling relationship (Steven M. Sultanoff)
The impact of immersive virtual reality displays on the understanding of data visualization (Ahmed Bayyari y Edward Tudoreanu)
The many benefits of laughter (Elizabeth Scott)
The path of healing (Steven M. Sultanoff)
The physiology of laughter (Herbert Spencer)
The science of laughter (Robert Provine)
The stress management and health benefits of laughter (Elizabeth Scott)
The value of humor (E. Scott Geller)
Tickling our funny bone; Humor matters in health (Steven M. Sultanoff)
Treatment of pathological affect: Variability of response for laughter and crying (Scott McCullagh y Anthony Feinstein)
Un estudio revela que la edad disminuye el sentido del humor []
Use your amuse system to boost your immune system. Humor your tumor (Paul E. McGhee)
Using humor for treatment and diagnosis: A shrinking perspective (Steven M. Sultanoff)
Using humor in the counseling relationship (Steven M. Sultanoff)
Using your amuse system to boost your immune system (Paul McGhee)
Vignette and exposure calibration and compensation (Dan B. Goldman y Jiun-Hung Chen)
Volumetric density capture from a single image (Christian Fuchs et al)
Why Mona Lisa smiles (Dianne Partie Lange)
Why women smile (Dianne Partie Lange)

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